I Like You
I Like You Days spent together Nights danced away Afternoon beers Text messages that say… I like you Dreams shared between us Fears chased away Fits of laughter Knowing smiles Continue ReadingI Like You
I Like You Days spent together Nights danced away Afternoon beers Text messages that say… I like you Dreams shared between us Fears chased away Fits of laughter Knowing smiles Continue ReadingI Like You
I formally propose a new English word for your consideration. (Sci Fi Channel, you’re welcome.) tsuzombi– noun – \(t)su-ˈzäm-bē\ definition 1 : a very high, large wave in the ocean that is usually Continue Readingtsuzombi
I formally propose a new English word for your consideration. idiology– noun – \ˈi-dē-ˈä-lə-jē \ definition 1 : a lack of visionary theorizing 2 : a : a systematic body of stupid concepts especially about Continue Readingidiology
I formally propose a new English word for your consideration. dopinion– noun – \dp-in-yən \ definition 1 : an idiotic view, judgment, or appraisal formed in a simple mind about a particular matter Continue Readingdopinion
This is a little piece I wrote like 25 years ago. Graveyard Awakening It’s a graveyard awakening Our heads are still ringing The battered room is hinting At distant memories Continue ReadingGraveyard Awakening